A 'Second' Amuletic Passport for the Afterlife: P. Sydney Nicholson Museum 346 b

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Verfasser: Depauw, Mark
Dokumententyp:Artikel in Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht: Buske, Hamburg (2003)
Zeitschrift:Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (SAK), 31
Schlagwörter: BUCH VOM ATMEN -> Texte, ägyptisch
P.DEM.NICHOLSON MUSEUM 346b -> nicht zugeordnet
P.KAIRO 31172 -> nicht zugeordnet
SYDNEY -> Ortsnamen (Museumsorte etc.)
RÖMISCHE ZEIT -> Epochenbezeichnungen
Seiten:93-99, Taf.9
Verfügbarkeit:Lokaler Bestand vorhanden
Letzte Aktualisierung:10.12.2003
Eintrag bearbeiten

Publication of P. Sydney Nicholson Museum 346 b, a Demotic funerary papyrus from Thebes, probably dating to the 2nd century AD. Its owner, Theonas son of Agathe, is known from P. Cairo 31172, of which a new transliteration and translation are provided. The existence of two short funerary papyri with different texts for the same deceased suggests that one was meant to be placed under the head, whereas the other was to be put under his legs. As many other late abbreviations of the so-called 'documents of breathing', these papyri seem to defy further categorization. Rather than with a letter, a passport such as P. Sydney Nicholson Museum 346 b should be compared with an amulet, to be shown to Osiris before entry into the underworld. As such this papyrus may shed light on the discussion concerning the authorship of the 'divine decrees'.