Предварительный отчет о работе с мумифицированными останками из гробницы ТТ 23 в Луксоре (по материалам полевого сезона 2019 г.) [Preliminary report on work with mummified remains from the tomb TT 23 in Luxor. Season 2019]

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Verfasser: Kitova, A.O.
Китова, А.О.
Dokumententyp:Artikel in Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht:Moscow (2019)
Zeitschrift:Egypt and Neighbouring Countries | Египет и сопредельные страны, 2019,4
Schlagwörter: TT 023 -> Gräber
NEUES REICH - New Kingdom -> Epochenbezeichnungen
MUMIE -> Diverses
Onlinezugriff:Zur Webseite
Letzte Aktualisierung:18.05.2020
Eintrag bearbeiten

Since 2006 the Centre for Egyptological Studies of RAS has been conducting archaeological research in the Theban Tomb (TT) 23. It is located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, Luxor. In the course of the field season 2019 fragments of 13 mummified bodies were examined and described. For each person a procedure of mummification was reconstructed. This work resulted in finding out features shared by all the deceased as well as ones dividing them into groups. The obtained data will allow establishing local versions of the mummification rite that were performed at the site in different periods.