Tell El-Farkha (Ghazala), 2010–2011

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Verfasser: Ciałowicz, Krzysztof M.
Chłodnicki, Marek
Dokumententyp:Artikel in Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht:Warsaw (2014)
Schriftenreihe:Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean Reports (PAM), 23,1
Schlagwörter: TELL EL-FARKHA -> Ortsnamen für Orte der Antike
GHAZALA -> Ortsnamen für Orte der Antike
NEGADEZEIT -> Epochenbezeichnungen
PROTODYN ZEIT -> Epochenbezeichnungen
THINITENZEIT -> Epochenbezeichnungen
Verfügbarkeit:Lokaler Bestand vorhanden
Onlinezugriff:Zur Webseite
Letzte Aktualisierung:09.08.2016
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The three Koms making up the predynastic site of Tell el-Farkha in the Nile Delta in Egypt continued to be explored in seasons 2010 and 2011. The most important discoveries in the extended trench on the Western Kom were new architectural structures, associated with a so-called Naqadan residence. On the Central Kom, the layout of an Early Dynastic house was cleared up in new excavations; finds included a figurine of a pig in clay. The eastern border of First/Second Dynasty burial field on the Eastern Kom was excavated, uncovering eight new graves.