Tell El-Murra (Northeastern Nile Delta Survey) Season 2008

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Verfasser: Buszek, Artur
Jucha, Mariusz A.
Dokumententyp:Artikel in Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht:Warsaw (2011)
Schriftenreihe:Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean Reports (PAM), 20
Schlagwörter: TELL EL-MURRA -> Ortsnamen für Orte der Antike
FRÜHZEIT -> Epochenbezeichnungen
THINITENZEIT -> Epochenbezeichnungen
Verfügbarkeit:Lokaler Bestand vorhanden
Onlinezugriff:Zur Webseite
Letzte Aktualisierung:08.08.2016
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The Project aims at carrying out an archeological survey of the northeastern part of the Nile Delta and locating archeological sites from Predynastic and Early Dynastic periods. Sites visited during the first season included Tell Akhdar, Gezira Sangaha, Tell Gezira el-Faras, Tell Ginidba, Tell Abu Umran and Tell el-Murra, which – as the most interesting of these sites - was chosen for further research. It included magnetic prospection and geological core drillings. Most surface pottery material shows affinities to Old Kingdom forms, with some pieces similar to Early Dynastic shapes. The core drillings indicated that surface strata from the Old Kingdom may overlie older occupation layers. Regular (linear) anomalies observed on the magnetic map seem to correspond to remains of mud-brick walls.