Banganarti. Archaeological Excavation of the Site in 2007 (with Appendix 1 and Appendix 2)

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Verfasser: Żurawski, Bogdan T.
Moryto-Naumiuk, Dorota
Piekacz, Lucyna
Piasecki, Karol
Dokumententyp:Artikel in Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht:Warsaw (2010)
Schriftenreihe:Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean Reports (PAM), 19
Schlagwörter: BAGANARTI -> nicht zugeordnet
KIRCHE -> Bauten im weitesten Sinn
FESTUNG -> Bauten im weitesten Sinn
RAPHAELION -> Bauten im weitesten Sinn
CURTAIN WALL -> Bauten im weitesten Sinn
Verfügbarkeit:Lokaler Bestand vorhanden
Onlinezugriff:Zur Webseite
Letzte Aktualisierung:08.08.2016
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The archaeological part of the program included testing in the Lower Church at Banganarti (eight trial pits uncovering more murals) and large-scale excavation of the outer fortifications, aimed at a general reconstruction of the layout and chronology in relation to the churches and other structures intra muros. This was coupled with air photography of the outer fortifications and the site surroundings. Newly excavated parts of the curtain wall were surveyed topographically. The conservation effort was centered on taking down the murals of the ‘Anastasis’ and ‘St. Sisinnios trampling a female demon’ from the Lower Church and general conservation of the plastered walls of the church. Modern roofing over the western part of the church complex was. Work also proceeded on preparing the building of the Raphaelion for covering with a 1:1 replica of the vaulting (central dome included). Additionally, the team excavated a probe on the central kom at Selib and undertook salvage excavations of a post-Meroitic tumulus found by local clay diggers in the Tanqasi village. Human bones from excavations at Banganarti and Tanqasi were examined by an anthropologist.