Early Makuria Research Project: The Pottery

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Verfasser: Klimaszewska-Drabot, Edyta
Dokumententyp:Artikel in Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht:Warsaw (2008)
Schriftenreihe:Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean Reports (PAM), 18
Schlagwörter: MAKURIA -> Ortsnamen für Orte der Antike
KERAMIK -> Diverses
FESTUNG -> Bauten im weitesten Sinn
Onlinezugriff:Zur Webseite
Letzte Aktualisierung:07.08.2016
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The report concerns the pottery assemblage collected during the 2nd season of the Early Makuria Research Project (MtoM). Four sites were identified at the fort of Merowe Sheriq and in the neighborhood: the fort Msh.1, neighboring settlement Msh.2, well Msh.3 and Christian burial ground Msh.4. Most of the pottery was collected from the surface inside the fort and in the settlement; some were recovered from a test pit dug inside the fort. The pottery from the burial ground was collected from a secondary context: the surface and a disturbed tomb. Finally, some pieces of pottery were gathered from the surface of the well, filled already in Christian times. Most of the sherds are fragmentary and difficult to date, but shed some light on the functioning of the fort and the nearby sites. An analysis of the pottery material shows that the sites went back to the Transitional / Early Christian period and continued to exist through the end of this period. The material used in the fort’s construction, as well as the existence of a well, testify to longer occupation, reaching the Kushite period.