During the 2006 season, top layers of the western part of an administrative-cultic centre on the Western Kom were explored. A shrine, dated to the Early Dynastic period, yielded a votive deposit of 62 items stored in a jar, unearthed by the eastern wall of the shrine. The items included ivory figurines of humans and animals, miniature vessels and models of different objects. On the Eastern Kom, fragments of two statuettes were discovered. They had consisted of an unpreserved, presumably wooden core to which thin golden foil was attached with golden rivets. The eyes of both statues were made of lapis-lazuli. The figurines represented standing men (57 and 30 cm high), probably a Proto-Dynastic ruler or rulers(?). In the cemetery, 22 graves were explored; in one of them a serekh with the name of Narmer was discovered.