Approbation or Disaproval? The Conclusion of the Letter of Amenophis II to User-Satet, Viceroy of Kush (Urk. IV; 1344. 10-20)

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Verfasser: Morschauser, Scott
Herausgeber: Altenmüller, Hartwig
Dokumententyp:Artikel in Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht: Buske, Helmut, Hamburg (1997)
Zeitschrift:Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (SAK), 24
Schlagwörter: VIZEKÖNIG VON KUSCH -> Funktion, Beruf, Titel
BRIEF -> Texte, ägyptisch
AMENHOTEP II. -> Könige, in- und ausländisch
DYN 18 -> Epochenbezeichnungen
Verfügbarkeit:Lokaler Bestand vorhanden
Letzte Aktualisierung:03.05.2002
Eintrag bearbeiten

The last four lines of a letter of Amenophis II to User-Satet, viceroy of Kush (Urk. IV, 1343-44) are retranslated and analyzed. Previous commentators characterize the ending of the dispatch as a 'reprimand' of User-Satet by the pharaoh, supposedly for the viceroy's elevating a poor candidate to office. It is likewise asserted that the ending of the text is 'incomprehensible', containing a proverb whose meaning has been elusive. However, the present paper argues that the correspondence contains constructive and intelligible advice from the king to his subordinate, regarding choosing native vassals to the crown; the contents of the letter being comparable to earlier political instructions of the Middle Kingdom.