Технологический и иконографический аспекты изучения фигурного сосуда в форме петуха (по материалам археологических раскопок ЦЕИ РАН на Ком-Тумане (Египет) [Figure vessel in shape of a rooster from Kom Tuman (Egypt): technological and iconographical study]

Ausführliche Beschreibung

Verfasser: Yarmolovich, Victoria I.
Ярмолович, В.И.
Dokumententyp:Artikel in Zeitschrift
Veröffentlicht:Moscow (2017)
Zeitschrift:Egypt and Neighbouring Countries | Египет и сопредельные страны, 2017,3
Schlagwörter: TIERFIGUR -> Kunst, Kanon
HUHN -> Vögel
RÖMISCHE ZEIT -> Epochenbezeichnungen
MEMPHIS -> Ortsnamen für Orte der Antike
Onlinezugriff:Zur Webseite
Letzte Aktualisierung:19.05.2020
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The article is devoted to the study of a figure vessel made in shape of a rooster. It was discovered in 2001 during the archaeological excavations of the Centre for Egyptological Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (CES RAS) in Memphis. Lack of its original context and small quantity of analogies complicated its dating.The study of depictions and mentions of roosters in Ancient Egyptian sources has shown that this bird was not widely distributed in comparison with other poultry. Its depictions increased in number in the Greco-Roman period, and it can be ascribed to intensive penetration of Ancient Greek culture into Egypt. Technological features and clay analysis also have analogies among material of the Roman period. All these data let us to suggest that the vessel from Memphis dates to the end of Ptolemaic dynasty — III century AD.